• When the teacher can access their presence, then the teacher is offering that and modeling that for the student.

  • We think we have to get the student regulated, but we really just need to get ourselves regulated.

  • We learn how to seperate from our reactivity, so we can be present and neutral for the student in their reactivity.

Our Approach

Teaching is relational. What’s even more important than curriculum and methods is who the teacher is as an individual. Heart in Education provides space and focus for teachers to take time for themselves and consider their own well-being. We guide teachers to (re)connect with the qualities unique to each of us, such as our joy, wonder, wisdom, insight, calm, and confidence, and explore our patterns of reacting that can ultimately lead to burn-out.

When we support the teacher, we support the student. Encouraging teachers to self-reflect about their beliefs and patterns in the classroom, also supports them to improve and refine how they engage with students especially when there are undesired behaviors.


Over 500 Teachers Self Report:

  • improved classroom management

  • feeling more positive about teaching

  • improved well-being

  • less burnout

The philosophy

Hear Heart in Education Founder Erin Thorkilsen share her philosophy behind the program.